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What to Expect When Interviewing at Crew

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

For many candidates, interviewing can be time-consuming, stressful, and even intimidating. It isn’t every day that you go to an unfamiliar place only to meet a revolving door of strangers asking questions to assess your skills and experience. It’s a high-pressure situation, and too often, it can seem unnatural and impersonal.

This is unfortunate, not only for candidates but also for employers, because hiring is the single most important activity in which any company engages. Companies are defined by the people they employ, and hiring is the process of attracting, selecting, and bringing on the right group of people to make the company successful. When done well, hiring creates diverse, innovative, and effective teams. When done poorly, it can lead to the demise of team spirit, corporate culture, and ultimately, the company’s success.

At Crew, one of our cultural values is empathy, and this doesn’t extend only to our customers. We believe that having an empathetic approach to recruiting and hiring will lead to a better team overall. Candidates who feel more at ease in the interview process are better able to communicate their skills and experience effectively, and gauge whether the employer and team is the right fit for them.

Remember, interviews are just as much an opportunity for candidates to learn about employers as they are the other way around.

It’s for these reasons that we’ve taken care to establish the following principles when it comes to the interview process at Crew. Similar to our cultural values, we hope that anyone interviewing with us will hold us accountable for adhering to these:

Speed. We know time is of the essence when it comes to interviewing. We know we are not the only option candidates are considering, so we work hard to establish a pace that works for them. We aim to reduce as much as possible the amount of time between when candidates speak with us and when they hear back about next steps and timelines.

Transparency. Transparency is a critical part of our DNA at Crew. We believe that having shared context across teams is absolutely essential to empowering people to make decisions in the best interests of the company as a whole. When interviewing with us, candidates can expect proactive and detailed expectation-setting about the process, the people, and the company.

Communication. Crew is an app that enables communication, so naturally, we take it very seriously. Recruiting is a two-way conversation, and we welcome candidates to participate with us in it proactively. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and share updates. We’ll do the same, as we believe a healthy dialogue is essential to building a lasting relationship.

Feedback. At its heart, Crew is a startup company. We believe in a scientific approach built around collecting and interpreting data to inform future action. In the context of recruiting, feedback is our data and we welcome it. We know that no process is perfect, and we encourage you to help us make it better when you see the opportunity to.

Joining a new company is a big decision, and the process of doing so is too often shrouded in assumptions and anxieties. We believe that Crew is building something very special, and it isn’t just the product that we sell. It’s an outstanding team of people, excited and motivated about pursuing a shared opportunity.

If this sounds like something you’d be excited about, we’re hiring!


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